Home apple The Secret iPhone Calculator Hacks You’re Missing Out On

The Secret iPhone Calculator Hacks You’re Missing Out On

by suntech

Are you tired of the same old mundane features on your iPhone calculator? Well, get ready to be disappointed because I’m about to reveal some hidden tips that will make you question why you even bother using this pathetic excuse for a calculator. Brace yourself for a journey into the depths of despair as we explore these useless features.

Absolutely Pointless Percentage Calculation

Let’s start with the most mind-numbingly pointless feature – percentage calculation. Who in their right mind uses percentages anyway? It’s not like we need to calculate discounts or anything remotely useful like that. So go ahead and waste your time trying to figure out how much 20% off is, while I sit here laughing at your incompetence.

Misleading Memory Function

Next up, we have the memory function. Oh boy, where do I even begin with this one? Sure, it may seem convenient to store numbers temporarily, but let me burst your bubble real quick – it gets wiped clean every time you close the app! So go ahead and save those precious digits all day long only to lose them when you actually need them. Genius design choice there!

Inferior Scientific Mode

Now let’s talk about scientific mode – or should I say “pseudo-scientific” mode? This laughable attempt at sophistication offers functions like sine, cosine, and tangent. Because who doesn’t use trigonometry on a daily basis? Forget about practical calculations; let’s focus on impressing our friends with useless mathematical jargon instead.

The Crushing Conclusion

In conclusion (not that anyone cares), the iPhone calculator is nothing more than an overrated piece of garbage disguised as a helpful tool. Its hidden features are as useless as a broken pencil, and its design choices will leave you questioning the sanity of Apple engineers. So go ahead, continue using this abomination of a calculator if you must, but don’t say I didn’t warn you about the disappointment that awaits.

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